Mexicobased 20m series anthemis azevedotechcrunch

Mexicobased 20m series anthemis azevedotechcrunch

Mexicobased 20m series anthemis azevedotechcrunch has raised $20 million in a Series A funding round led by Anthemis and Azevedo, with participation from 500 Startups, Expa and ALLVP. The company aims to simplify the process of buying and selling homes in Mexico by providing a digital platform that streamlines the transaction process.

The Mexican real estate market

Mexico’s real estate market is one of the largest in Latin America, with a value of over $110 billion. However, the industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new technologies, making it difficult for buyers and sellers to navigate the market. aims to change this by providing a platform that simplifies the process of buying and selling homes.

The platform’s platform allows users to search for properties, schedule visits, make offers and complete transactions entirely online. The company uses a proprietary algorithm to determine the fair market value of each property, which helps to ensure that buyers and sellers are getting a fair deal. The platform also provides users with access to a network of real estate agents who can help with the buying or selling process.

The Series A funding round

The $20 million raised in the Series A funding round will be used to expand’s operations across Mexico. The company currently operates in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara and QuerĂ©taro, but plans to expand to other cities in the near future. The funding will also be used to invest in technology and hire additional staff.

Conclusion’s innovative platform has the potential to revolutionize the Mexican real estate market by making it easier for buyers and sellers to navigate the transaction process. With the support of Anthemis, Azevedo and other investors, the company is well-positioned to expand its operations and continue to innovate in the proptech space.

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